Not Just Any. YOUR Cloud-Native Solution!

Complete Application Development by Cloud Certified Specialists.

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Cloud-native applications significantly reduce internal overhead and allow you to flexibly respond to the changing demands of our ever-changing world. We are your go-to partner for cloud-native application development – from consulting, to design and implementation. From your challenge to a cloud-native solution that elevates your business.

Improving customer service quality at Sunrise
Improving customer service quality at Sunrise

Experience shows


Business requirements alter, challenges arise quickly – and want to be solved just as quickly. Cloud-native applications allow you to face this change with confidence, react agilely to changing requirements and save costs and effort in the long term. With solvatio you have a certified partner at hand who turns your challenges into a cloud-native solution.

Companies using cloud solutions save 20% annually on infrastructure costs

by Gitnux


We accompany you from start to finish and ensure that you are prepared for the future by offering the following:

5 reasons for cloud-native application development by solvatio

Providing Customer Experiences

Significantly reduce internal expenses

Improving Service Quality

Scalable operation, easy to repair, roll-back and simple load-balancing

Scaling Through Omnichannel

Time-saving and easy to extend with functionalities

Scaling Through Omnichannel

No security risks

Scaling Through Omnichannel

Adaptable to changing requirements

True to the general definition, cloud-native applications from solvatio are…

  • … designed for automation
  • … equipped with a high proportion of stateless components
  • … designed to take advantage of managed services
  • … robust in terms of security and data management
  • … always open for growth and changes

Our Cloud Experts

Scaling Through Omnichannel

Google – Cloud Digital Expert

Scaling Through Omnichannel

AWS Cloud Expert

Scaling Through Omnichannel

Azure Cloud Expert

Scaling Through Omnichannel

Azure Cloud Expert

Scaling Through Omnichannel

Azure Cloud Expert

Improving customer service quality at Sunrise

Need more information?

Drop me a mail!

Give me a brief overview of your challenge and I can connect you with the right cloud expert at solvatio in no time. Let’s make your cloud plans come true.


Our Cloud Specialist Areas

Smooth, End-2-End Cloud Migration Services

Migrate With Ease, Soar in the Cloud

Migrating an application to the cloud has a plethora of advantages for your business. You gain efficiency, save cost and raise the value of your data. Scalability allows for more flexibility – and a cloud migration also helps in terms of security and reliability. We ensure your migration goes smoothly and support you from start to finish: From an initial consultation to running the solution.

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Complete application development

Not just any. YOUR cloud-native solution

Cloud-native applications significantly reduce internal overhead and allow you to flexibly respond to the changing demands of our ever-changing world. We are your go-to partner for cloud-native application development – from consulting, to design and implementation. From your challenge to a cloud-native solution that elevates your business.

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Cloud AI & Machine Learning Services

From data to insights that drive your business

A big – if not the biggest – advantage of the cloud is that data is easier accessible than ever. But its true value only comes to light when put into context. solvatio can help you do that. We prepare your data for big data analytics, help you process it in real time, and leverage the potential of cloud AI services from hyperscalers.

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Operational support by certified cloud experts

Gain traction towards
the cloud

The shift to the cloud is essential for your business. The faster and smoother the journey, the greater your advantage. solvatio helps you exactly where bottlenecks or problems arise. Our certified experts support your project flexibly – be it hands-on or consulting. We are happy to be just what you need.

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DevOps: Fast and reliable software delivery

We leverage DevOps to make you more productive, agile and innovative.

Streamlining software delivery processes allows your organization to pick up pace, guarantee consistent quality and increase reliability and security. DevOps is a methodology that allows your organization to thrive and drive innovations in complex environments. Therefore, we help you to uncover and lift potentials in your software delivery processes.

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